Lately I have been facinated by my Favorite Animal - The Wolf!
I don't know why but maybe it's from there legendary Howl!
His Howl doesn't just get my attention, but the attention of his pack!
Thier packs are about six to ten wolves large!
There packs could live from 6 to 8 years!
They are Carnivors and have 42 teeth for thier extremly dangerous hunts!
Thier extremly prowerful jaws can generate to 1,500 psi pressure!
Thier Molars can crush Bones and shear Meat!
The Wolf is an Ultimate Predetor!
The Wolf's legs can generate great power!
It allows them to run from 28 to 40 miles per hour for 20 whole minutes!
But there is a whole `nother reason why I like them, and I have got to find out!
hey honey i just wanna wish you a great day
Haha! Thank you Snow!
I hope you have a great day too!
I'll miss you! :D